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Coppett Hill provides pro-bono support with Searchscope

The Coppett Hill team has recently had the opportunity to work pro-bono with four fantastic non-profit organisations as part of the development of our Searchscope tool. Searchscope allows our clients to understand their current position in Organic Search and identify opportunities for traffic growth.

We’ve been doing a lot of work to build out Searchscope’s functionality and reduce the time to insight, and working with these organisations gave us the chance to give something back as well as receive valuable feedback on the product.

We're delighted to share a brief overview of the organisations that we've supported, some of the insights from Searchscope, and our learnings from the work.

Solving Kids Cancer

Solving Kids Cancer finds, funds and advocates for breakthrough treatment options to cure children with the most fatal paediatric cancers. We used Searchscope to help the Solving Kids Cancer team understand how to achieve better Organic Search visibility relating to Neuroblastoma, their main focus.

“Dave and the team have been readily available, responsive and turned the work around really quickly and were also very patient with us given our resource challenges and lack of comprehensive understanding of the subject matter…now we will use the tools you’ve given us to inform a restructure of our site and content.” – CEO, Solving Kids Cancer

For Solving Kids Cancer, Searchscope highlighted a low share of traffic relating to Neuroblastoma, their main focus.

British Ecological Society

The British Ecological Society is the largest scientific society for ecologists in Europe, working towards a world in which nature and people thrive. We used Searchscope to help the BES team prepare for an upcoming website re-build, highlighting ways in which they could use more of their relevant content on key webpages to improve their visibility.

Searchscope highlighted some core ecology related keywords where BES has limited share, that could be addressed by improved, relevant copy on their new website.

Brathay Trust

Brathay Trust works with young people from a range of backgrounds to inspire growth and positive change, with a dedicated residential centre in the heart of the Lake District. We worked with a new Head of Marketing and used Searchscope to identify a range of Lake District specific terms relating to the revenue streams which support its core mission, such as team-building, school trips and bed & breakfast accommodation.

“[Coppett Hill provided] new useful keywords and key phrases to help us boost organic search…You’ve been responsive to questions about the data and have helped explain it in simpler terms.” – Marketing & Communications Lead, Brathay Trust

Brathay Trust was able to see the keywords that currently drive traffic to its website, highlighting the reach of some locally themed blog posts.

International Working Group on Women & Sports

The International Working Group on Women & Sports is the world’s largest network dedicated to advancing gender equity and equality in sport. We helped IWG to understand why its dedicated research website, with a lot of rich content, was achieving only limited search visibility, ahead of a major global summit it is organising in 2025.

For IWG, Searchscope highlighted how its dedicated research website,, was generating limited traffic in core geographies, for the team to investigate further.

What did we learn?

One of our main goals was to gather some actionable feedback on the Searchscope insights and how we used them to make recommendations. A couple of the best learnings that we were able to include in the development of Searchscope included:

  • Most of the teams we were working with didn’t come from a digital marketing background, and didn’t have a base knowledge of how Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) works. This meant that some of the rich, granular data in Searchscope was overwhelming. We’ve developed an introductory presentation that we now use prior to sharing the detailed insights.

  • Each organisation operates in its own niche. To segment the keywords in a meaningful way, we spent time with each team up front to understand key topics, events and jargon in their niche. We then worked to significantly reduced the time it takes to take these initial insights and generate a full keyword segmentation by introducing a new visual interface and using AI to make recommendations for the long tail of low volume search terms.

We were delighted with the constructive feedback received from our non-profit collaborators both in terms of supporting each organisation’s goals and with the constructive comments that have helped us to further develop Searchscope. We plan to offer further pro-bono support with another one of our tools in 2025.

If you’d like to talk about understanding organic search visibility and how to optimise your efforts, please Contact Us.



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